Ciarán Fitz of the Dublin Psych-Punk Trio Dumb Posh Hippies Talks About How They Differ From the Rest of the Dublin Punk Scene
With their new single, “Scrunched Up Fist,” out today, frontman Ciarán of the Dublin psych-punk trio Dumb Posh Hippies tells us about trying to blend ten-minute psychedelia with two-minute belters
Ethan Proctor of the Bristol Band Bottlemoth (f/k/a Bridges) Discusses the Transition as Heard on Their Debut Album, “Even Us Ghosts”
Released today, “Even Us Ghosts” is the debut album by the Bristol indie band Bottlemoth, f/k/a Bridges. Frontman Ethan Proctor discusses the album, their name change, and what it means for the band going forward
The Los Angeles-Based Pop Punk Musician deegie Discusses the Theraputic Benefits of Her Album, “EXES”
In August, the Los Angeles-based pop punk musician deegie released her debut album “EXES,” which examines her past relationships to map out the person she is today. deegie spoke to us about the record and what she learnt about herself from making it
Ciara O’Flynn and Mark McLoughlin of the Cork/Kerry Experimental Project Pinhole Discuss Their Debut Album “Sweet Spot”
Yesterday, the Cork/Kerry experimental musical project Pinhole released their debut album “Sweet Spot.” The album has been nearly a decade in the making, and founding members Ciara and Mark discuss the background of the project and how it differs from everything else on offer in the Irish music scene
Musician David O’Farrell-McGeary Talks About Why He Switched his David ofmg Project to haunted days and His Upcoming Debut Album
With his debut solo album expected next year, David O’Farrell-McGeary of haunted images (f/k/a David ofmg) discusses the project’s recent metamorphosis from dreampop to gothic-inspired drone
Dean Nolan, the Frontman for the Dublin ’90s-Inspired Alt-Rock Band Empathy, Talks About Their Latest Single “A Dying Breed” and Why it Took Them Seven Years to Release Music
With their new single “A Dying Breed” out, Dean Nolan, frontman of the Dublin alt-rock band Empathy, discusses throwing it back to the ’90s and why it took them seven years to release music
Beau Geste and Splitshift of the Montreal Electronic Post-Punk Project distraction4ever Discuss Their New Album, “Business Core”
“Business Core” is the latest album from the Montreal electronic post-punk duo distraction4ever. Members Beau Geste and Splitshift talk to us about the album and how it serves as a critique of the nine-to-five
As Ireland Music Week Continues, Musicians Maria Kelly and Ramper Discuss What the Opportunity to Perform Means to Them
Tonight, musicians Maria Kelly and Ramper will perform at the Workmans Cellar as part of Ireland Music Week. With a new EP from Ramper and a new single from Maria on the way, they discuss what getting to perform at Ireland Music Week means for them
Back in April, We Spoke with the Experimental Bristol Band ANIIMALIA About Their New EP, “Carousel,” and A LOT Has Changed For Them Since Then
When we spoke with them about their second EP “Carousel” back in April, the Bristol band ANIIMALIA were riding high. Since then, the faith of the band has been up in the air. To preserve what the band was at the time, we’ve elected to publish our interview with Kira and Ben from five months…