About Us


Post-Burnout is a website that was founded by Irish culture writer Aaron Kavanagh in September 2022.

From writing culture pieces for various outlets and hanging out in multiple arts and music scenes while simultaneously working a “real job,” Kavanagh noticed how many people creating art and culture were similarly working “real jobs,” in areas such as teaching, engineering, nursing, retail, hospitality, etc., to pay for their cost of living, while exploring their creative endeavors after work, in whatever spare time they had.

Kavanagh found their commitment to creating art after being burnt out from their “real jobs” to be very commendable. He knew that there was sincerity to what they were doing, as this passion to create made them little-to-no money (in fact, creating their art often cost them more money than they could recoup).

Post-Burnout was created to venerate these people and to tell their stories. Rather than be the ostiary for culture, Kavanagh wanted to subside his personal interest in the art being created and simply tell the stories of the creators and their creations and let others decide their merit.

If you are interested in working with Post-Burnout in any way, whether through contributing or setting up stories or interviews, please contact us here.