Irish Musician, Rory Gillanders, Talks to Us About His Return to Music with His First Track in Three Years, “Soulless World”

The Dubliner Rory Gillanders has always had a love of the music of singer-songwriters (notably Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Noel Gallagher, and Ryan Adams) but he didnโ€™t envision himself following in that lineage until he suffered an accident.

โ€œI always loved listening to music and stuff, but when I got the guitar, I didnโ€™t really play it that much, to be honest,โ€ Rory tells Post-Burnout. โ€œI got a few lessons and stuff, but then kind of lost interest, you know?

โ€œIt was only when I was in London, I got a back injury, I was out of work for maybe six or eight months, and I bought an old guitar in a charity shop, and I had a lot of time on my hands, obviously, so thatโ€™s when I kind of started writing songs, properly, and spending a bit of time on it, you know? So, yeah, look, every cloud has a silver lining.

โ€œSo, thatโ€™s kind of how I started getting into it properly, then. I was in London, I ended up recording an EP over there and just going to a few open mics and stuff, and thatโ€™s kind of how I started getting the ball rolling on the whole thing, properly, anyway.โ€

After five years living in London, Rory moved back to Ireland in 2019. โ€œI was working full-time, as well though, so I wasnโ€™t properly focusing on the music as much,โ€ Rory says of the time after moving back. โ€œItโ€™s hard to kind of juggle the two, you know what I mean? But, yeah, I moved back then, and I recorded an EP when I returned to Ireland, and kind of tried focusing on it a bit more, you know?โ€

Viewing Roryโ€™s discography tells the story of this move: His first EP, Tomorrow Means Nothinโ€™, was released in 2017 and was followed by three singles in 2018. Then there was a three-year gap until he returned with the single โ€œEye of a Hurricane,โ€ followed by another single and his second EP, Wilderness, all released in 2021.

As may not come as a surprise, considering the year of release, those slew of songs were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. โ€œYou were saying about the back injury and then COVID, the songs I write seem to be inspired by bad situations, but Iโ€™ve managed to get music from them,โ€ says Rory.

โ€œItโ€™s been therapeutic, kind of, writing about those situations and getting the words down on the page, and, yeah, Iโ€™ve got some [Laughs] good tunes out of it, out of the situations. So, I seem to be kind of inspired by those kinds of situations, but, sure look, what can you do? Whatever inspires you, youโ€™ve got to work with it.โ€

Photographer Uncredited
Courtesy of Old Crows Promotions

Since then, Rory settled down in Maynooth and spent a considerable amount of time constructing a consistent band that he could record and gig with. Despite having now achieved that, he never wants to lose sight of his ability to perform as a one-man army.

 โ€œI really want to try and get the full band going, but the essence of a song, a lot of the stuff I wouldโ€™ve started listening to was just acoustic guitar [and] lyrics, like Dylan and Springsteen,โ€ Rory says.

โ€œI love the lyrics of the songs, and to be able to strip the song back to just those basic elements and it still kind of resonates is good, so Iโ€™m hoping that the songs themselves are powerful enough without the full band.โ€

Today, after another three-year gap, Rory released his first track since the Wilderness EP, titled โ€œSoulless World.โ€ Opening with the line, โ€œNow the old world is gone and it ainโ€™t coming back/But maybe we can build a better one,โ€ the song was written during the COVID-19 lockdowns and was Roryโ€™s attempt at finding the silver lining of that dire situation.

When we asked Rory if he legitimately believed that the post-pandemic world was going to be a better place when he penned those lyrics, he laughed and replied, โ€œNo! Ah, look, you know, nothing lasts forever, you know? I was thinking about that saying, โ€˜The only constant thing in the universe is change,โ€™ so I was trying to put it in perspective, even though it was horrendous.

โ€œโ€™It wonโ€™t last forever and there will be a day when itโ€™s finished,โ€™ even though it did not seem like it at the time, at all. It was horrible, but thatโ€™s what I was trying to get at, there: Maybe thereโ€™s a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel, maybe.โ€

On how the song resonates now that the lockdowns have (touch wood) ended, Rory says, โ€œItโ€™s all a bit surreal, looking back, isnโ€™t it? Thinking, โ€˜Did that actually, really happen?โ€™ Itโ€™s something you still kind of think about, donโ€™t you? It was such a strange thing to live through, and Iโ€™m definitely still scarred. I think a lot of people are still traumatised by it, and I think I am.โ€

The day we talked with Rory was actually the eve of his wedding day. โ€œYeah, maybe not the best time to release a single!โ€  he quipped on the day. After establishing the band and getting married โ€“ which were endeavours that occupied his time and concentration – Rory now feels that he is in a position to focus on giving his fans a more regular string of releases.

โ€œI just want to put music out a bit more consistently,โ€ he says. โ€œI donโ€™t want there to be that big gap again between releases, you know? So, Iโ€™m already thinking about the next single and working on that, and just putting things out a bit more consistently, and putting the band together took a while to get all that in place.โ€

The song is accompanied by a music video that Rory and his friend shot in a few hours on the Clontarf Promenade, using his friendโ€™s iPhone, and was later edited and colour-graded by him for little to no money. โ€œFair play to him, man,โ€ says Rory. โ€œBecause, like I said, I had no budget, really, to do it. So, the next one will be AI!  [Laughs]โ€

This causes Rory to reflect on the tenacity of being an independent artist. โ€œItโ€™s very hard, you know?โ€ he says. โ€œNowadays, for independent musicians, there are so many people trying to do it, and Iโ€™m [โ€ฆ] just looking for even a little bit of recognition for people to listen to the song and maybe it resonates with them, man. So, look, you just got to chip away and keep trying.โ€

Rory Gillandersโ€™ latest single, โ€œSoulless World,โ€ is available on all streaming platforms now. You can keep up with Rory on his website.

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