The Barcelona-Based Corkonian Musician Rebecca Houlihan Discusses Her Journey from Overcoming Stagefright to Releasing Her First Single, “Oh La La”

โ€œFor me, Iโ€™ve always been very creative. I wanted to do music. Iโ€™m finally doing it now. Itโ€™s so weird that Iโ€™ve been doing music for years and writing, and Iโ€™m like, โ€˜Iโ€™m only releasing music now!โ€™, but it feels like the right time, as well,โ€ the singer Rebecca Houlihan tells Post-Burnout on the day that she released her first headlining single as a solo artist.

Calling in from Barcelona, Spain, where she currently resides, the Cork City native tells us, โ€œWhen I was younger, I always knew I was going to be a singer, but I was very nervous. When Iโ€™d sing, Iโ€™d sing in the toilets in school for the girls; I was in Regina Mundi College. And Iโ€™d sing live, and Iโ€™d be so nervous, and my knees would be shaking! Iโ€™d be terrified.

โ€œAnd I got a little bit older, then. We were going out โ€“ I think I was probably 16-to-18 โ€“ and Iโ€™d be down in my friendโ€™s house, and theyโ€™d be like, โ€˜Oh, sing Amy Winehouse! Just sing a song for us!โ€™, and Iโ€™d be like, โ€˜Everyone needs to look at the wall!โ€™, and theyโ€™d be like, โ€˜Oh, OK!’ So, it just became normal that they couldnโ€™t look me in the eye, which is so weird now, because Iโ€™m all about performing! [Laughs]โ€

Rebeccaโ€™s instinctual desire to sing persisted past her nerves. She recalls when she chose Music as a subject for the Leaving Certificate. โ€œI worked in a studio when I was 16, 17,โ€ she says. โ€œOh, my God! I was so nervous! And I remember my friend came with me, and she was like, โ€˜How come youโ€™re not singing like how you usually sing?โ€™ [Laughs] And my knees were shaking! That was my first exposure.

โ€œBut, in school, I would do music, and me and one of my best friends, Judy, we were in a duet together and weโ€™d do all the church songs in school, and I always felt really comfortable with someone else with me, and then if someone was like, โ€˜Can you sing on your own?โ€™, Iโ€™d die! I would point-blank refuse.

โ€œAnd I remember for the Leaving Cert then, I was helping everyone โ€“ like, I was backing everyone as a singer; singing with them in the duet โ€“ then when it came to me singing on my own, I remember my teacher, she was like, โ€˜Rebecca, just go up and sing your songs for the school,โ€™ and I had sang all the songs with the rest of the girls, and I was just like, โ€˜No, I canโ€™t!โ€™ She was like, โ€˜Please!โ€™ and I said, โ€˜No, no, no! Iโ€™ll get sick!โ€™ I literally thought that I was going to vomit and faint.โ€

Photo by Gosia Blasiak
Courtesy of Jawdropper Music

After finishing school, Rebecca hopped around from place to place โ€“ performing live and building her stage confidence – before eventually settling down in Australia. โ€œI started coming into my own then, and I really enjoyed that,โ€ Rebecca remembers of her time down under. โ€œI played in a lot of bands in Australia; Australia was amazing.

โ€œI lived in Sydney, actually, for most of my time there, and the band that I was in was kind of bluesy, folky. We played a lot in the outskirts and stuff, and we did some festivals and tours. And I kind of came home then, to Ireland. I was there [Australia] for about five-and-a-half years. I came home to Ireland, and I was like, โ€˜OK, Iโ€™m ready now to [perform],โ€™ and then my friends saw me perform and they were like, โ€˜Oh, my God! This is weird! Weโ€™re not looking at the wall anymore!โ€™โ€

Rebecca stayed in Ireland for about seven years, up to the pandemic. โ€œDuring COVID, actually, I was doing music and I was playing a lot in Ireland and I was doing loads of gigs,โ€ Rebecca says. โ€œI was in a couple of bands. I was in a seven-piece brass band and I was in a duet and a quartet, as well. All different styles of music.

โ€œThe seven-piece was cool; it was, like, a soul, funk band and motel music, and I was like, โ€˜Oh, I love this!โ€™ And the other band was kind of bluesy, kind of party stuff, then the duo stuff was kind of indie, kind of rocky sort of music, and I was like, โ€˜Oh, Iโ€™m sick of playing Oasis!โ€™ [Laughs]โ€

Whilst stuck indoors due to lockdowns, Rebecca continued with her music at home and connected with a music producer in Greece called Kevin Sunray online. โ€œHe was like, โ€˜Hey, Iโ€™m releasing my twelve songs. Iโ€™m looking to collaborate with different singers on each song. Would you like to audition?โ€™,โ€ remembers Rebecca. โ€œAnd I think I sent him some tapes, and then he was like, โ€˜OK, cool.โ€™โ€

This collaboration would eventuate into the release of the techno/house-inspired tracks โ€œVoicesโ€ in 2021 and โ€œWaterโ€ in 2022, featuring music by Kevin and vocals by Rebecca. After the lockdowns eased, Rebecca had the zest to travel. She and her boyfriend went to Barcelona, which is where they would settle down. โ€œIโ€™m living here for the last two years,โ€ Rebecca says.

โ€œAnd itโ€™s kind of where I really started to fall intoโ€ฆLike, where I met like-minded musicians. And I did back home, but I was meeting musicians of a different genre, and then over here, I was like, โ€˜Oh, shit! Thereโ€™s a big, huge R&B scene,โ€™ which is what I love. I donโ€™t know, the music scene, I guess, over here is a lot more varied than back home.

โ€œItโ€™s not that itโ€™s not varied, itโ€™s just that thereโ€™s a lot more places here for musicians to express themselves and you can try out different things. Thereโ€™s loads of open mic nights for different genres, so no oneโ€™s stuck to one genre. You know, you can go and do jazz one night, then, another night, soul, then hip-hop, and funk. Itโ€™s amazing. So, a lot of Barcelona, I think, influenced the music that Iโ€™m making now, too.โ€

Rebecca has been enjoying a lot of success around the Catalonian capital with the project she found and currently fronts, BEX. โ€œThereโ€™s a lot of expats over here, in Barcelona,โ€ says Rebecca. โ€œEven in my band, weโ€™ve no Spanish members! [Laughs] So, thereโ€™s an Argentinean and a Cork drummer who I didnโ€™t know before I came!

โ€œItโ€™s a different culture, obviously, because, back home, thereโ€™s a big pub scene and live music scene, but the live music is you have to be energetic, youโ€™ve to entertain, and you have to play lively music because thatโ€™s kind of what the culture is back home. Whereas here, it was very weird for me that I could sing a slow song that I could not sing in Cork because it would kind of kill the crowd.

โ€œBut here, people sit and listen, and itโ€™s not that they appreciate it more, itโ€™s like a different type of music that they look for back home than here. I do find that I can try music here that I know I couldnโ€™t try back in Cork.โ€

Beyond BEX, Rebecca is still working with various musicians and producers as a featured artist. Possessing a varied range of interests, Rebecca felt that she did not want to limit herself. As such, she decided to begin crafting her own music under her own name and present it as a unique endeavour from her collaborative work. โ€œI guess the style that Iโ€™m going for as a solo artist is kind of R&B, slash old, โ€˜90s dance style, with a twist of me, because I think my voice is quite soulful,โ€ says Rebecca.

This led to her first solo song, โ€œOh La La,โ€ which was released towards the end of March. Admittedly excited and nervous when we spoke on its release date, Rebecca said,  โ€œIโ€™ve released songs with people before, and, as you said, itโ€™s always been me collaborating on someoneโ€™s album or writing a song for someone, or with my band, BEX, so everyone is adding their own flair into the music, but Iโ€™m like, โ€˜This is actually my song!โ€™, and Iโ€™m really scared about it, but Iโ€™m really proud of it. Itโ€™s like my baby!

โ€œAnd it took me ages to release it, actually. I donโ€™t know, I think a lot of artists are like this; I think itโ€™s good and then Iโ€™ll let people listen to it, and then I stop for a while, and then Iโ€™ll come back to and Iโ€™m like, โ€˜Somethingโ€™s missing,โ€™ and then Iโ€™ll want to add something, then Iโ€™ll listen and Iโ€™ll be like, โ€˜Oh, no. Actually, that was too much.โ€™  [Laughs]

โ€œAnd Da Fabi, the producer – heโ€™s amazing; I was working with him โ€“ and heโ€™s so patient with me. He was like, โ€˜I know you just need to try stuff!โ€™, and then he was like, โ€˜You know, sometimes itโ€™s actually the thing you have at the start, the product you have is amazing, but youโ€™re like, โ€œOh, this happened too quick.โ€ Itโ€™s like you donโ€™t trust that you can do something that quick, you know?โ€™โ€

ย โ€œOh La Laโ€ marks the first in a release pattern from Rebecca where she aims to have a single out every two to three months, so as not to inundate people with too much music but to not keep them wanting, either. Beyond that, Rebecca plans to release an EP with BEX in autumn and to keep gigging around Spain for the rest of 2024.

Itโ€™s fair to say that her days of singing in bathroom stalls to the back of peopleโ€™s heads are well and truly over.

Rebecca Houlihanโ€™s debut single, โ€œOh La La,โ€ is out now on streaming platforms. You can follow Rebecca on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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